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A Calling to Serve

2020 has been an eventful year to say the least for most of us!

At MAF, we started the year expecting to have a year of celebration, celebrating our 75th anniversary as an organisation. Looking back over the last 75 years, hearing stories of the many men and women who gave up their comfortable lives to serve people in isolated places has been so inspiring. As MAF staff, we are amazed that God continues to find people for us to serve and people to serve alongside us!

For the founders of MAF, as former WWII pilots and engineers, a desire to use aircraft as a symbol of hope and transformation instead of war, united them in their mission. This God-given calling was in the form of a stirring of the heart, knowing of the need, to serve His people.

For MAF supporters, the call to partner with MAF by praying, volunteering or giving financially, has come through hearing about the people impacted by MAF, feeling convicted to give their time or resources, or making a commitment to pray for the specific needs of the organisation. Our supporters form a huge part of our organisation without often realising the full impact of their support.

As current MAF staff, all of us have felt called to serve God through MAF in different ways. For some, it has been the mix of a lifelong dream of flying planes and serving God. For others, it has been the knowledge of a need that they have the skills to help with. From pilots and engineers to finance managers, IT officers and HR personnel, each person serving with MAF is so valuable! Each of us care about the people that we impact, seeking to serve them and do our part in helping bring hope and transformation to individuals and communities through aviation and technology.

What’s your calling? Have you been feeling called to get involved in MAF’s ministry in some way? We would LOVE to hear from you! Send us an email today at!


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